
How Being Rich Almost Killed My Chess Career

Very nice blog. Do you think that you could make a blog on how and what to train? Just overall, how to start training and what to do,
No one likes seeing rich people complain, but lack of motivation is a serious problem - for pretty much all folks.

Just acknowledge the opportunity that being wealthy and comfortable gives you to pursue chess, or dedicate time to losing weight. Many people are just stuck with whatever life hands them.

In other words, your "find a way to avoid the army or else" is just many people's every single day. "Work 60 hours this week and not be able to spend time with your kids, or you won't be able to afford to keep the heat on."

I have the opposite problem - a lot of motivation, but not enough money. Lots of things I want to do, but the things I have to do are more important, because they pay the bills and my family doesn't make enough to support themselves without my assistance.
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bro, about the weight problem and health concerns, they say that pure carnivore diet makes you lose weight rapidly, you become lean and shreded in no time when eating eggs and pure meat cooking free from seed oils. Then, hit the gym lift some weights and your brain will thank you .

follow Anthony Chaffee MD on youtube, he has whole channel dedicated to educate people on carnivoure diet.

Good luck mate !
With no goal, unmotivated and drifting you are still far more ahead than many will ever be both chess and life. Congrats!
Honestly though, did you find your fire or did the fire just happen to come a little bit too close to you?
Sure, I would like to read about those training habits, and about your new challenge. Keep it up!