
Is rook , bishop or knight ?? what is the best piece

bishops snipe every body but horseys fork every body, hmmm... though choice... but rook is out.
Bishop is the better one (compared to the knight) and I am really biased about this
I prefer the rook and my granny prefers the knight. she's gotta be a memer on lichess.
@Achyut_2013 said in #3:
> bishops snipe every body but horseys fork every body, hmmm... though choice... but rook is out.
Bishops detest long pawn chains
Depends If the position is closed
Then knight
If open the bishops
The rook is more powerful, because it has a brother rook and both the rooks can cause serious damage. Bishop pairs don't support each other at all and knight pair support is super delicate.
If there is no positional advantage or tactical advantage then a rook if not then a knight for closed position and bishop for a open position
It depends on the position. You might have heard this before, just a friendly reminder.

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