
Any tips on atomic 2k?

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Get initiative. Initiative is more important than winning a knight or bishop.

As you are 1900+ and motivated I say try not to sweat too much about reaching 2000. If you look to be a better player than before and focus on that, rather than focus on the number, it will take care of itself. Things you can try:
1) Switch up openings. A no-brainer in my opinion, regardless of what opening you play at the moment. Your rating may take a hit at first, but it will recover. Think of it as a short-term investment that will pay off later
2) Find someone to analyse with. Analyse positions with them without computer assistance - check the comp afterwards if you want, but don't if it will depress you. This helps build up your understanding of the game and exposes you to other (human) opinions. You can learn a lot digging in to positions where you think differently to them and try to see who is right.
3) Check why you are losing in games. Are your main mistakes in the opening? Are you missing standard tactical ideas? Are you losing on time in good positions a lot? Any pattern you see can be addressed, but only if you notice it in the first place

Good luck!

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