
FIDE rules are not being used on this site?

Are FIDE rules not used on this site? I just played a bblitz game in which when the my time ran out my opponent had only king and bishop left, so mate was technically impossible, it should bbe a drwa by offical rules, yet he got a win. If FIDE rules do not apply here where can I look up which rules get used here?
you still had a piece and 2 pawns, so checkmate with a bishop is theoretically not impossible.

You didn't mention that there was some more material left, so mate is easily possible (for example you convert one of the pawns into a Knight). If Fide rules haven't changed recently this is completely winning. Or which rule are you referring to?
When your time runs out you lose like a chump.
fide makes communism seem like free market
C’est avec plaisir, merci.

I suggest the following, bearing in mind that a lot of users won’t read it. But probably a part of them is helped.

Include some rule FAQ‘s (draw by repetition, „insufficient material“) in the FAQ section close to the top. Or insert a „chess rules“ section in the forum which is more or less common and some people like me like a scientific scrutiny and discussion.

At the least you can say: in contrast to the US(CF) who don’t publish their rules we are close to the official ones and we even provide a written rule-set online.

A bientôt, @thibault


In addition to report and q&a, you should add another thing saying;
If you are confused about rules and flags, see this; (fide rules page here)

As long as the site is growing and a lot of new users join or „defect“ from US servers (with different rules) this will be a growing issue as well.

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