
Small Survey

1. 100/100. Impeccable.
2. Nah, you're a Harry Potter fan.
3. Only standard, cuz I'm very bad with variants.
5. 60/100
6. I noticed just now, after scrolling back and forth looking at the question and answering it.
7. It depends on my mood. When I'm very *very* mad, I don't play and instead look in the forums for an interesting topic to reply to, and when I wanna try a unique opening or I have free time, I play a chaotic game for me and for my opponent.
8. I have some, but not very popular. I'm too lazy to have the responsibility of managing a team and advertise it.
9. I have more friends in real life 10x more than on Lichess. Let's just say I'm a celebrity on my secondary school.
10. I agree, more Lichess players around got inactive, idk why.
1. 100
2. I don't even know you.
3. Idk.. I do play antichess but in standard game
4. I already noticed there was no 4 even before you sed:)
5. -36578
6.yep of course yes!
7. I actually joined because school sed. But I'm here for forum posting
8. Nope
9. More in lichess I suppose.. but that's not really 'friends'. Most of them are just people I followed for fun. So in real life:)
10. Yeah somewhat. Even me saying this became inactive some days. That's mainly because now almost everything became normal right? Now there aren't any online classes either. So here there aren't much kids who became bored and visit here during online class..
Ok, thanks guys. Please get more people to fill the survey though! I will annouce the results when we reach 7 to 10 pages.
@SuperHarryPotterFan said in #14:
> Ok, thanks guys. Please get more people to fill the survey though! I will annouce the results when we reach 7 to 10 pages.
Sighs* So we'll never get the results, right?
@SuperHarryPotterFan said in #1:
> Just interested in doing a small survery (you don't have to answer all the questions, you don't even have to answer):
> 1. Please rate Lichess out of 100.
> 2. What do you think about me? (people say I spam a lot)
> 3. Do you play variants or do you only play standard?
> 5. How would you rate your own chess skills out of 100?
> 6. When filling this survey, did you realize you skipped question 4 even before I point this out?
> 7. Do you come on Lichess mainly to join the community or play games?
> 8. Do you have a team + Is it popular? (PLEASE DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR TEAM HERE!!!)
> 9. Do you have more friends in real life or on Lichess?
> 10. Are Lichess players around you getting inactive?
> Hope you don't mind the questions. I am doing this survey for a project.

1. 99%

7. community

9. Lichess. I have no friends in real life.

10. Yeah
1. 99/100
2. You care too much about what people think of you. Like who would ask random people what do u think of them.

I rate my skill 0.1/100

No dint realise

Join community

I have 0 friends in real life and only 2 freinds in lichess

My frends are #samo_2300 and krishan2102

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