
Complete list of all openings (even the bizarre ones), which Lichess knows

As the title implies, I'm looking for a nice and handy reference sheet to all the possible openings for some future wacky experiments ... getting bored with every second game being a Sicilian or Italian.
When I play 1... e5 against 1. e4, I face the italian/scotch very often, and even the Ruy Lopez became a "sideline" for me with the black pieces. When I was an 1. e4 player, I loved the italian (mainly because of the Fegatello attack and the Greco gambit), but as I improved my general level, so did my opponents (it became harder to trick them in the openings), then I decided to go for the principled 3. Bb5 move, an opening that I played sucessfully for a good time. If you want some interesting openings, I recommend the Scandinavian (which is much better than it's reputation, like the 3... Qd8 line recommended by IM John Bartholomew) and the Alekhine defense (the exchange variation requires special attention), because they decide what kind of game will happen at the very first move.
I just noticed that you play the 3... Qd8 scandinavian! Well, in that case, check out IM Bartholomew's free course in this line at Chessable, it's very nice! I think they have some free courses in the Alekhine defense too.
Isn't there some sort of list, embedded in the source code of the site, which can be easily perused?

Sorry, I'm a computer illiterate, so this might come across as a daft question. 😐
The one billion chess games played on Lichess are available at the bottom of that page are some projects that people did using the data.Your question could be solved by using that data.
Also about 60 million of those games already have had all their positions labeled with (crude)evaluations by computer. So I could create an opening tree weighted and pruned by the alpha-beta algorithm applied to all its positions, without having to spend any CPU time on chess position evaluating.

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