
Study from a PGN-file?

I thank you all for the feedback. @nh78 : I don't actually use the notepad, I just mentioned as an example. I am a linux-OS user and open the file either with "edit" or "OpenOffice". That with the encoding sounds interesting. I saved the file as UTF-8 (although it seems like it was already in that format), but I didn't get my text back :-(
@chesspibito upload that .pgn file to dropbox/googledrive/etc. (any place you like) to let us see something, please! Unless we can just guess instead of giving real help for you.
Btw. I tried to add some comment to a random game in droidfish, then saved it to .pgn and sent it to myself with gmail. The received .pgn contained all comments I made.
@gbtami : I downloaded the file again, and it works! It seems that the one I used was somehow corrupted on the way. I only have to solve the issue with the broken lines and uncomplete comments... Please, follow the link below:

Thanks to all of you!

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