
Everything you want to know about Lichess v2

@enfante Your experience won't necessarily reflect on other Vista users. Time to move on. Make the switch to Linux for an instant upgrade.
what when you draw arrows do they disappear after 1 second???
From what I see and read on the frontend update, you guys made a great work. The only issue other than functionnal is not a bug but some misunderstanding about what many players seem to care very much about : the actual size of the board and the relative size of blocks. Now that the zooming feature from the browser does not scale everything all together, some people feel it is broken. Some kind of solution would be to re introduce some fixed size while kipping the general responsiveness.
I am having windows vista OS, hence for the obvious reasons the browsers have reached to their highest level of upgrade on my laptop. Reading by the lichess v2 version support for chrome and browser versions and even the other browsers, its not possible for me to upgrade to those higher versions of the browsers. Hence the design of this lichess v2 is not allowing me to play chess anymore. The design of lichess has gone for a toss at my end. This is the most pathetic upgrade done to any game or a software i have seen till date.
Vážený Lichess
Prečítal som si množstvo príspevkov k zmene na V2.
Prevažná väčšina je negatívna a odzrkadľuje nechuť užívateľov k Vašej zmene. Je to tak ako v živote, aj používam šachovnicu po mojom dedovi už 70 rokov, lebo som si na ňu zvykol a vyhovuje mi.
Viac krát som bol svedkom, že zmeny dizajnu na rôznych stránkach viedli k odlivu užívateľov. A ten odliv bol o to väčší, ak sa kompetentný tvrdošijne držali svojej línie, bez snahy pochopiť svojich užívateľov.
Predpovedám aj Lichess obdobný postup.
V dnešnom svete je nátlak nežiadúcim javom.
Mám staré PC, WIN XP a Firefox 52.9.0.
Kvôli Vám nebudem investovať do nového PC, s WIN 10 aby som si mohol aktualizovať Firefox a odreagovať sa na Lichess.
Pohľadám inú alternatívu.
V prípade, ak sa predsa len umúdrite a dáte napríklad, na výber voľbu medzi V1 a V2, dajte vedieť.
Možno prehodnotím svoj postoj.
S pozdravom

Dear Lichess
I have read a number of posts to change to V2.
The vast majority are negative and reflect the user's reluctance to change. It's like in life, I have been using a chessboard for my grandfather for 70 years, because I got used to it and it suits me.
I have seen more times that design changes on different pages have led to an outflow of users. And the outflow was even greater if the competent stubbornly kept their line, without trying to understand their users.
I also predict Lichess's similar procedure.
In today's world, pressure is an undesirable phenomenon.
I have old PC, WIN XP and Firefox 52.9.0.
I will not invest in a new PC with WIN 10 to update Firefox and relax with Lichess.
I look for another alternative.
If you still get comfortable and give, for example, a choice between V1 and V2, let me know.
Maybe I'll review my attitude.
Hi @Ferenc12
I am not thibault's lawyer but I think that he want to make better,he has Idea and he introduced it,
many people wrote negatives opinions about this change but I think that it is important time for to make updates this version and I am sure that will be,besides every changes are risky like you wrote,I think that loyal community can help them to suggest about it what is needed to fix for time,be patient and everything will be correct in my opinion
I have new features for v2 of Opening after some moves in lives games
What is Your proposition for help to make better?

You can try to think about new features
I'm one of the web engine developers who brought CSS grid to both Safari and Chrome. I noticed you (@thibault) wrote in the announcement:

"Firefox, Edge and Safari lack support for min-content and max-content, and require some JS hacks."

What's exactly the problem? It's true that we added most of the features first to Chrome and then to Safari (WebKit) but most of the features should be already there. Could you file a bug in mentioning the problem you observe and attaching a reduced test case if possible?

Last but not least, I love, keep rocking folks!

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