
Favorite Actor?

Truly, 'tis a sad day when Chris Hemsworth is a more renowned actor than Jimmy Cagney
@clousems Chris Hemsworth is surely more renowned actor than Jimmy Cagney.
How can the best actor in the highest grossing film of all time (Endgame) be less renowned???
James Cagney's film career ran from the early thirties to the early sixties (outside of one film he did in the early eighties.) So a lot of younger people will not be aware of who he is. But with the advent of the internet one, if they were really interested, could checkout some of his work on youtube. He had a an unusual charisma, almost electric in nature.

His death scenes in Public Enemy, Angels with dirty faces, the Roaring twenties and White Heat are unforgettable. Anyway he is my favorite...He could dance a little too (Footlight parade and Yankee Doodle Dandy.
#23: Reading that gave me an aneurysm. RDJ was far and away the best actor in that (highly overrated) movite (well, I guess Ruffalo always does a solid job as well). Hemsworth does not come close to the talent level of Cagney.

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