
Something interesting

Lichess is the closest thing to privacy invasion as you can get. The Li in lichess means "literally invading your privacy legally because you clicked accept to ToS". And they still, with all that information allow the "assume bot" to ip ban people unfairly.

SO you're saying because I tab switch every move, have 23 active engine instances in memory, and can click in 2 areas of the chessboard in 10ms that IM now worthy of banning. How dare the assume bot fabricate this pasta of lies.

I remember a time where you could jump to a position on the screen with your cursor instantaniously and that was considered normal..and now outcast by an entire premium corporate entity who are cursorcist.
Of course there are various technical means of supervision. That’s what they all do. You want a more lenient cheater detection? I guess the majority rather appreciates the current approach.

You are a free man, you are not forced to play here.
tab switching I understand but how in earth anyone coudl detect engines runnign in you machine?
@petri999 something like this.

Calling Lichess a "premium corporate entity" is, uh, an interesting notion.

Why do you need 23 active engine instances anyway?
@Sockfish14 But why would the OS let a webpage to see process list? That sound like security hole if it does

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