
Game adjudicated incorrectly (dead position)

Engines check that for all legal moves for player who runs out of time result in win by that player or draw by insufficient material.
Also, you have bots such as @badmodo if you need one :)
#19 there is already automatic detection if player copies moves from lichess AI. It's very rare but it goes as follows: "Cheat detected, white/black is victorious." Stockfish checks games already. The end result check can be easily added.
Maybe have an option to "call Arbiter" In cases like this or any other dead draw (or safe win, if opponent stalls) where a Mod or Stockfish would asses it and call the game.
That doesn't apply here #25. White only has one legal move Nxh8, after which it's a theoretical draw. Because no legal mating sequence exists.
I think my idea of ending timed games is worth considering. If a player forfeits on time, the player who has time remaining now plays legal moves for both sides until a result appears on the board and the game is drawn if there is no result.
I think it would be fairly straightforward to create specialized 3- and 4-man tablebases that indicate whether there is any possible checkmating sequence. Then it would be a very quick lookup for the lichess backend.

I assume such positions with 5+ men are extremely rare so this should cover the vast majority of cases.
#28 IMHO that is the fairest solution although it would surprise most users.

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