

I think they should put a button where you can ask the other player to resign. If they do maybe they get a extra point if they play on and lose they lose that point. This would make the games less drawn out because we all have games where we know we are going to win but the opponent refuses to quit and just drags out the game. By asking them to resign and rewarding them with a extra point maybe this would speed up the games and make things more interesting rather then wasting time playing chess in a game you know you are going to win.
What? That's just rude. Besides you don't do that in real life.

If you really want to go out of your way and throw chess etiquette out of the window after your opponent does, then ask them in the chat. Unfortunately, this might cause people to block you or disable the chat when playing you, leaving you confused as to why they think you are so rude.
Troll question. If you want to speed up your games go play faster time controls.
I won so many times from lost positions and vica-versa
So you don't mind wasting 30 minutes when you know your going to win the game? It probably never ever happens to you but to better players it does all the time. If you can ask for a draw why cant you ask for a resign its done all the time in real life.
I agree this proposal is not an option, but I also agree people playing on in totally drawn or lost position are annoying (I am not speaking of short time controls where this is part of the game).

Here is a perfect example of using the resign button after move 48 this player had no chance of beating me so on move 49 if I asked them to resign and they did we would of not wasted all that time having me put them in mate also they would get 1 extra point on their rating as an incentive to resign. This would also teach good sportsmanship which is definitely lacking with some of the players on here.
Dude, use chat if you want that.

Otherwise, I really do RESPECT every player who play their game to the mate even though they have already lost it.
@rmilin #6

That's possibly the worst example. All the moves after that were for the long checkmating sequence, which I find is totally acceptable to play through.
i agree with #8, also the game ends when one player gets checkmated, not when there is a +3 difference or whatever so asking players to resign is just rude
You're forgetting that I offer 1 point added to your rating so the player that resigns actually would be happy for the offer. Also its not my fault if you can't play chess so just resign so I can play someone else that is better then you.

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