
3 pawns vs bishop endgame

Hi all

I faced a 3 pawns vs a bishop endgame. When I looked at the analysis from engine it shows as a draw; and shows the moves.

However, I am not aware on how to figure out the ways to make moves that results in the draw; like protect this square, block kings coming this side side etc. Could you please shed some light?

As long as the bishop stays on the b1-h7 diagonal, there's no way for white to make progress.
The black king goes to e6 and the black bishop moves on the diagonal b1-h7. White cannot enter or make progress.
lol @ "just fortress it" comments. How isn't g6 progress ? Or h6 Kh5 then g6 ?

OP, do put your king on e6 to prevent f5, first (keeping the bishop from b1 to d4)
Then meet g6 with Kf6 to prevent Kg5
and meet Kh5 with Kf7, to prevent g6, if white pushes h5 to h6

And that should get you somewhere. Basically, try preventing white from pushing anything to the light squares, protect the light squares as much as possible, and just move your bishop so long as nothing happens. With your king on e6 the white king can't go anywhere funny on the queenside so you're safe there. If g6 Kf6 and then the white king goes through d6, then grab the pawns with B... d1... xh5, xg6, Be4 to stop the b pawn, and eat the f pawn with your king.
g6 runs into Kf6 preventing white king from advancing and hence loses on the spot (Be2 next, zugzwang incoming), h6 runs into Bg6 or Kg6 and no pawns will be moving any further. Just saying.
Thanks all.

Is there a theory book or a pattern that I can learn so that I know how to respond to this kind of end games?
Most endgame books provide examples.
„this kind of“

Details matter. You have to study millions of examples in your lifetime.

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