
checkmate the opponent is like schollar homework!?!?

Sometimes I know my position is just won, and my opponent too! But some players like play on waiting some blunder, flagg, conection, etc..

For me, which dont like force my opponents give checkmate, I'm on other side always: I have a won game and I need give checkmate!

Trying understand WHY I get angry and WHY that is annoying, I had a hint: That is like schollar homework!!!

When I was a lazy young man and learned some new subject in mathematics I found it very annoying to do homework. The premise was that I already knew how to solve those exercises and if I did wrong some of them had more to do with lack of attention (caused by laziness, maybe) than lack of knowledge! So when I know I can convert the position before me I have the same reaction I had when I was forced to resolve homework.

I also realized that if the position is more challenging to convert I do not find it annoying and I even want my opponent to keep fighting! I get irritated at having to convert obvious positions.

What do you thinking about that? Boring? Part of game? A annoying work which we should learn live with it?

My criticism is that your soul couldn't possibly be invested in winning. Losing is OKAY. The important thing is that you, god forbid, continue to put the hours in.

You will never find someone rated 2000+ that wasn't there because of their ability to effortlessly invest a limitless quantity of hours at their leisure.

This is also why children progress so rapidly. They can very easily binge play, where even their calculations are analogous to merely browsing a magazine in a book store.

Just keep at it. Keep your head in the grind. Believe in yourself. Trust the process, and ENJOY the game.

Ironically, chess is like one of the only games where people actually have the nerve to ask why they aren't improving-- a clear sign that the game just isn't very fun at all. It shouldn't surprise you that people who are addicted to meth just happen to all effortlessly become natural experts at smoking a meth pipe. You'll never find some meth addict browsing the internet for help on becoming better at smoking their pipe.
It's part of the game. Expecting every single opponent to resign immediately at the sight of even the slightest disadvantage will get you nowhere fast. Be prepared to encounter opponents who, no matter what time control the game is, might be an entire piece down and yet will stare you in the face and dare you to prove that you have the advantage and to keep it for the next 30+ moves.
Just prepare and play the best move you can think of.

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