
Quote of titled arena

The quote is "You are for me the queen on d8 and I am the pawn on d7!! " and I dont understand it. Can someone please explain it.
I think it means the pawn with the threat of queening is restricting the movement of the opposing queen . So a pawn is exerting control on a queen .
That's my guess anyway.
2KQ4/4P3/8/8/8/8/8/4rk2 w - - 0 1 The queen is supporting the pawn on promoting even though the rook is attacking. So in chess, pieces must support each other like their in one team.
@Dukedog said in #4:
> I think it means the pawn with the threat of queening is restricting the movement of the opposing queen . So a pawn is exerting control on a queen .

Thats a good thought
It's a GM Eduard Gufeld quote apparently.
Incidentally I can't explain it.
Straight out chessporn.
Once a king, always a king, but once a knight's enough.
Like that.
Personally I think it's the black pawn looking up the black queen's dress before they go to war.

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