
Claiming a dead draw

@bufferunderrun if you understand that time is part of the game then you must also acknowledge that slighting an opponent and throwing a temper tantrum on the forums because you lost on time isn't good sportsmanship. Winning on time is part of the game and to be respected the same as if you were checkmated or convinced to resign.

Glad to help straighten you out with that (:
I'm not adding much to this, but I'd make the same move back and forth as fast as I could hoping for a 3 move repeat. Or if they want to avoid that they will have to 'think' and spend a little time avoiding the exact same position. Then if you are premoving fast enough you might gain time enough to win.

But if you lose then just play another game. I would feel like crap in your position (and you are a lot higher rated than me) but what else can do you? Ultimately what solution they come up with on this site has to be something can be programmed into the software.
@YGNR I tolerated your ignorance as it was addressed to me, but now I see you are attacking others as well. Honestly, your comment is both irrelevant and ignorant. Irrelevant because you are barking up the wrong tree (we get it, some people are sore losers), ignorant because all you have to do is go over the game with a stronger player or engine to see who outplayed whom. In fact, in the final position white can force checkmate. Still, the topic of who's outplayed whom has nothing to do with my original question. I'm not complaining but you are making it sound like I am.

Like I've said, all white has to do is move back and forth and black has absolutely no way of making progress, let alone winning the game, so it doesn't make sense to give him a win in such positions as HE WILL NEVER WIN.

@inmaniac Why do you feel like crap in my position? White to play and mate in 23

and besides, black has no counter play whatsoever (unless you decide to play suicide chess).
@YGNR Just because someone has slighted you somewhere (it happens to all of us) doesn't mean you need to go around judging and accusing others for it.
@YGNR you are right about winning on time being a part of the game, and we all get that. The thing about this particular game is black's chances of winning the final position is practically zero. He could play forever to avoid the 3 move repetition (and make me lose on time), but that's it.

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