
Don't you hate it when... think you played such a strong game and implemented such a strong attack...only to study your game and realize that you should have lost on any one of 5-10 different spots?

Yah thats so true. Sometimes you feel like you are playing a super game and press engine analysis expecting a 0.1-0.2 acl game only to see the analysis graph look like the cardiogram of a hamster on redbull and speed.

...and I just failed the captcha puzzle. I hereby quit chess.
I often come home from club OTB games thinking I'm a genius and that the engine will say +3-6 all the way through.
Only to find out I made a bunch of inaccuracies and blunders.
Yeah, but it is all the better if you expect some grave mistakes and the engine would have played the same moves. Or it turns out flawless which happens from time to time.

That‘s the way it
That‘s the way things go.

The biggest mistake I ever made was eating too much before a tournament .

Couldn't think of anything but taking a #2
@Sarg0n You actually make a good point, because in most instances we don't study to find out if we could beat a computer, it's about if we assessed the key points properly and made the right moves and the right moves at key times.

In the game I'm thinking of, I wouldn't have made it to the attack playing a 2800 computer, but at the point of the attack, the computer agreed it was the #1 crushing tactic in the position.
I think we'll never be able to beat an engine even though we can survive the key moments .

It's the endgame that will kill us
Computer will be too precise and we will most likely blunder everything.

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