
draw - triple repeat - criteria - bug?!!

In the match Lichanon X Marceloriss, attached link, the system ended the match with the information of triple repetition, however we did not find such a fact! What criteria does LICHESS use? Wouldn't it be complete identical repetition, even if alternating, including pieces and pawns? In which moves of this game were characterized the triple repetition that the system pointed out? Unless we are mistaken, the triple repetition did not occur and apparently it is a Bug, check it out! Grateful!

It's almost always the last position, the last position - 2 and the last position - 4. This game falls in that category.
The game could not have ended unless one of the players claimed or offered a draw though, could it? If both players wanted to play on, they could.
The position repeated after end of 54, 56 and 58 moves.
Apart from fact that it's the 'position' matters and not 'moves' additional rules are:
Same side should have the move on the repeating positions, and
Castling and en-passant rights should remain same

@Deadban said in #2:
> It's almost always the last position, the last position - 2 and the last position - 4. This game falls in that category.

Well, better is to say this:
Almost the repeating positions are last position, last position - x, last position - 2x
@Akbar2thegreat said in #8:
> Well, better is to say this:
> Almost the repeating positions are last position, last position - x, last position - 2x

That values only if x = 2, otherwise that's wrong because the repetition can happen at any time of the game.
Now you are wrong!
Consider same game of OP with this continuation:
55. ... Qf4+ 56. Kc6 Qf6+ 57. Re6 Qd4 58. Re8 Qg4 59. Rf8 Qd1 60. Rf7 Qd2 61. Re7 Qd4 62. Re8
Now, positions are repeated at end of 54th, 58th, and 62nd moves.
Anything to say? Any excuse left?

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