
Games freezing up - Lag

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Both clocks stop and game freezes. This is a major problem when playing bullet. By the time I notice... the game is over. Sometimes I can save it, but I have to catch it in time, I have to reload my browser to get the game going again, but I lose a lot of time.

It's not my internet connection. I play on other sites and don't have the same problem.

Could it be the browser? I use Chrome. Any help is appreciated. Thank you
Same thing happened to my two days in a row. His clock is running, at top it says disconnected, suddenly the game is over and I lost on time...this was while HIS clock was running. lol
Hi Davy, very frustrating for sure.

BTW, I tried other browsers and the same thing happened
i experience lag especially when i am on somebody's hotspot or mobile internet on their phone, but i also use chrome as a browser, so it could be either one.
Ok just lost 2 games in a row because of this. We were both under 10 seconds left and the game freezes. Very frustrating. This isn't happening on other chess sites I play on. All I can hope for is that enough people complain and get it fixed. Each game is a huge battle, wins don't come easy, and to have them slip away because of something like this is very annoying.
Frustrating indeed BlueCross. Methinks it may be Russian collusion...we should have Congress spend millions to investigate. This too shall pass.
Just tried playing a few more games and it happened again. Any updates from the lichess team? Hoping we can get this resolved. Does anyone care?
Same happened to me. Lags over 30 seconds. I had time enough to ping the server successfully, so network stack is not the culprit.

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