
How can I improve?

I mean there's some flexibility in the KIA but why not trying to play for mate? e4-e5 and gathering everything around Black's King. If Black puts material on b8 and c7 White's Bf4 might get lateral targets after a potential Nf6 ...gxf6 exf6.

Preventing the impossible expansion b7-b5 with a4 is wrong IMHO.

A random recent example:
10 Nf1 makes sense after you close the centre with 10 e5
12 Nfd2 is passive
18 Qc2 is passive again. You can block the d-file with Nd5 and the queen can later go to f3
24 Rad1 gives up the bishop's pair better 24 Bc1 to save the bishop
29 c4? is the losing blunder

Okay from looking at your game, it looks like you are more of a positional player so I'll give you some positional ideas to keep in mind. As Sarg0n said, almost everyone tries to go for mate in KIA, especially when they castle kingside so early like that which is true. Tons of mating attacks in those lines. I would advise you to play Qe2 so if d5 you can just take forcing qxd5 and be better. French players wont be happy to not be able to play d5 in the 2nd move. They are also pretty bad at playing e5 after e6 which can be a way to neutralize 2. qe2 later on.

Positional ideas in KIA:

1. If you choose to close the centre with e5, you need to make sure you protect that pawn (don't have to over protect it) and attack on the kingside. When defending blacks queenside counterplay don't make too many pawn moves. That usually just helps black. Let black come to you. This is often true in general. Don't weaken the side of the board that you are inferior in.

2. In my experience, a lot of black players play b5 too early (usually before b5) so you can catch them if you want and it will suit your positional style. For ex. in your game instead of playing a4 if you just play c3 and assuming he plays b5 because he played rb8 you can bust out exd5 exd5 nb3 followed by d4 with a better pawn structure for you. Nxd5 and qxd5 arent good because they open up your beastly g2 bishop. qxd5 probably loses immediately to some ne5 so nxd5 is probably best or black.

3. Some important queenside defensive ideas for white after e5 are c4 in the qe2 line, to lock blacks pawn on c5. (You gotta check the theory yourself and try to understand it).

Black's ideas:
1. Black uses d4 square to exchange some of whites attacking pieces.
2. They actually castle queen side or delay castling.
3. They rush down the queenside pawns and hope something good happens. (sometimes it does but they need to know what they are doing.)
4. The attack is actually not dangerous if black knows what he's doing LOL (good in blitz though). Easy way to equalize though is just a line with a well timed de and e5
I prefer a Qe2 KIA approach as well having a c4 in my rucksack.

A tricky line in the Nd2-KIA. If Black goes wrong and refuses to accept an isolated pawn -which is best- he might emerge in dire straits.

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