
You may post your link only once,next links you can to send by pigeons-new rules on sent to me this message-
"You may post your link only once. Not once per tournament, per forum, or once per day: but just once. Repeated violation of chat policy will result in loss of chat privileges."

So,if I have many Friends and They want to write with me I must to send 2nd,3th etc.links by pigeons?

Or maybe it will be payable?

Why don't you just post it once in your profile.. or maybe on a thread that you can refer friends to look at? Pigeons are good, but maybe a little outdated.
Your friends will all see it in their timelines if you post the link once on a forum.
So, does it mean that people can't share the same link with multiple people via DM? I'm confused.
Hi Daniel(@Toadofsky)😊
Thank You for nice picture,
I think that Pigeon on this picture is also confused and suprised

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