
DrawBot - a bot that plays the most drawish move

I have seen ideas in this forum to implement a bot that plays the most drawish move possible.

This is an interesting idea, but my goal for some time has been to build a GUI bot - one that is configurable by and can print its output to a web browser.

I have now a very very beta GUI bot which I configured to play as a draw bot:

The bot the can be run using the above web page. It is configured to play using the account:


When the page loads, you should see the bot console. In this console you have to press the "LC" button ( Load Config ) which loads the configuration from json bin ( a simple storage for storing json by id ), and starts the control stream of the bot, so now you can challenge it and play a game. While playing the game, you can watch the bot console ( and the engine console ) for feedback.
It's a shame that

is such a small project. Just when I came public with my bot, the server was down for half a day, so the config could not load. Now it works again.

Storing an anonymous json blob under an id using a simple API is a very useful idea. A database is such an overkill for this purpose.

I'm not aware of any robust service that can do this apart from json bin, please if anybody is aware of such a service, let me know.
@lishadowapps i played a 5 min game and really couldn't get out of the opening phase, it took so much time on moving. I am not sure if there was a force move command and near the end it just disconnected.

Thanks for this suggestion. With no small difficulty I have integrated Firebase into my project. This is a very advanced service and the price you have to pay for that is complexity. For any meaningful database access you need a service account. The key for this service account is a largeish json file that you have to download. Working this large a blob into an environment variable is not practicable. You have to commit this file, which is a security problem ( I created a public branch, to which I don't commit this file, but this is certainly a complication ). Also Pyrebase ( Python driver for Firebase ) installation took a long time and locking Pipfile timed out a few times before it finally succeeded. Still the service API itself is sane and business like, and so far storage worked as expected.


The cause of slow moving was that DrawBot play requires infinite MultiPV mode, which generates insane amount of engine output ( cca. 35 times normal, since there are 35 legal moves in an average position ). The logging of this output to the browser slowed down engine output processing. I disabled engine logging during game play and set Move Overhead to a high value. Now the bot plays quickly.

The point of playing against DrawBot is trying to win against a strong opponent, who won't punish your mistakes.

A draw offer was made in correspondence against the bot, which I accepted by hand ( the bot cannot accept draw offers on its own ). This was a good inspiration to add challenge filter and disable correspondence ( since the bot can only play one game a time, an ongoing correspondence game would block it from playing ).

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