
Don't you hate it when people decline takeback EVEN THOUGH IT WAS A MISCLICK `

@burbank123 Takebacks in Bullet games make no real sense, especially when there is no time inkrement. But in longer games I usually accept takebacks, when my opponents ask for them before I make my answering move. And I accept takebacks of obvious mouse misclicks. The most obvious mouse misclicks are moves of the Queen, Rook or Bishop that stop too short before their intended landing squares. Example given: White Ke1, Qe2, Ra1, Pawns c2, g2, h2/ Black Kg8, Qe6, Re8, Pawns c7, g7, h7. White must play 1.Qxe6+, but when he plays a nonsense move like 1.Qe5??, you see a most obvious misclick.
@philodendron68 yeah i agree, takebacks on bullet games are really dumb, but i think blitz takebacks might be acceptable if they have increment

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