
This is why i prefer Swiss-System for Chess-Tourneys.....

If you are talking to me, my complaint has literally nothing to do with berserking. My complaint has to do with uneven numbers of games and playing fast being rewarded rather than winning consistently (which is honestly, just total silliness - I can't believe it is tolerated, let alone celebrated). added arenas but kept Swiss tournaments too and also allowed players to join swiss tournaments later than the first round.

Remember only one person will win the tournament, most will play just to enjoy some chess, and some prefer not to remain the entire length of the tournament, and it doesn't look so bad on record to play a couple of arena games then pause as it does to "withdraw" from a Swiss tournament.

@DunnoItAll Ok. Uneven number of games is a problem. If someone wins after ten seconds because opp drops a piece on move five and resigns he has an advantage over someone who outplayed his opp over fifty moves in five minutes with opp making nearly no errors. But statistically this happens to everybody so over time when playing many tourns the chances will balance.

"playing fast being rewarded rather than winning consistently" Thats not fully correct. Playing fast has the usual disadvantages regarding the quality of the chess moves compared to playing slow. And the risk to lose on time (if one berserks) also rises. Further, everyone has the right to play fast, so it is not an unfair advantage.

That said, i can understand the desire to keep the time factor and other disturbing factors out of the game as much as possible and i would support if Lichess gives its users that option. Users should be made aware that if they leave a swiss tourn they will be excluded from future swiss tourns. Like "Are you sure you want to leave before the tourney has finished? Lichess will then block you from joining future swiss tourns. Why not instead observe the games which are still running?" This could be supported by providing a list of still running games on the tournament page. Finished games disappear, so that the participants are seeing the progress of the current round.

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