
What rule do you think should be added in Chess?

What rule do you think should be added in Chess?
The only rule needed to add: No addition of any rule to existing rules of chess!
I think the current rules are complete and no more rules need to be added. But if I would add a rule, it would be :
"Once the Queen reaches the opposite rank and checks the enemy king at the same time, she could also move like knights."
It may make chess more chaotic tho because the knight is the only piece that can reach the queen without getting killed (even if the Queen isn't pinned).
If the king can't get away from check just because his own pieces are blocking his escape, he should be able to "run them over". - they are "captured" - out of the board, and the king take their place. - it's more realistic.

Changes to names:
Pawn --> Private
Knight --> Captain
Bishop --> Advisor
Rook --> Colonel
Queen --> General
King --> King
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