
Strong gambits against D4

As in the title, I'm looking for a gambit that is strong against d4.
I know gambits aren't really strong, but out of all of them, there has to be one that's better than the others.
The Albin Countergambit comes into my mind.
1.d4 d5
2c4 e5...
It is a possible answer against the Queensgambit.
The most common variation of Englund Gambit is unsound, but will trap most people around your rating.
The Albin Countergambit is strong with brutal attacks, and many masters fear it.
The Benko Gambit is completely sound with long-term pressure for the pawn.
The Budapest Gambit is safe, but creates weaknesses for active pieces.
The Chigorin Gambit gives up the center for active pieces.

Choose your poison wisely.
It's an old pirate saying. Or the bartender from the wild west, "Name your poison."
And yes, if you want to play a gambit against 1 d4, it is like choosing poison. Benko Gambit (or Volga Gambit) is strong and solid, but there is a long line of moves to get into it. It becomes a positional battle on the a and b files.
Another choice is the Abrahams or Noteboom against the Slav, which often becomes a gambit. Trouble is, with d4 closed games, it is not so easy for black to force any particular continuation. Except the Albin Countergambit, which is usually there for the asking.

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