
Bad FIDE rules

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wow thats ridiculous.especially the invalid checkmmate,where blalck loses on time
To 1, don't know whether I got it correctly. The player has the move, moves e8P and is corrected by the rules.
Either way White has (still) the move or he completed a legal move enforced by the rules, e8D. Only then Black has the move. e8D is a completed legal move albeit "forced" by the rules.

2. If both flags have fallen the referee restarts the clock and the player who has the move according to the sheet has (still) the move and a running clock. Game continues.

3. I forgot, I try to figure out the solution why White has the move in the basic position. I know that he is allowed to "j'adoube" thus having the move. If he hadn't the move he wouldn't be allowed to do so!? ;-)
The rules say that White "commences the game" but nobody "has the move", because the game hasn't started before that and thus there isn't a move to be had yet.
So, if White hasn't the move he isn't allowed to move!? Waiting won't help, white's clock is ticking.
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This should be a loss period, in all forms of chess!!

After 1 e4 d6 2 Bb5+ h5??:
Soooooo white can either 1. claim illegal move and get an extra minute on the clock (which by the way 50% of chess players dont know how to add) OR 2. he play 3 Qxh5 and continues the game WTH

Seriously how then do coffee house games without clock expect to handle such things, since there is no clock, let the players make up their own rule? There should be an official rule. Replace all this garbage (and its a huge amount of paragraphs) with two words. you lose. :P
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@Burunduk131 Banned? I am talking about 99% of all chess games in the world. You know the ones without clocks, between people that have never heard of FIDE (or chess clocks). When 2 people play and one leaves his king in check, there still needs to be a real rule. The official rules should cover that.

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