
Why did I lose here when opponent only had a single knight when I timed out?

When your time runs out and enough pieces are on the board that the opponent has a non-zero chance of winning, they win, and vice-versa.
That is kind of the point of playing with a clock.
My point is - how does he checkmate with a single knight? I guess the game is trying to say I could trap myself with my own pawns.
Knight can checkmate,if you have extra pieces/pawns besides your king that can block escape squares for your king. Therefore,checkmate is possible.If you had no pawns,the game would be drawn as no checkmate is possible in any sequence of legal moves.Hopefully,helped :)
It is possible for K+N to checkmate K+N in the corner of a board.
61 Ne3 Ne6 62 Kb3 Nd4+ 63 Ka2 Kxc5 64 Nd1 Kb4 65 Ka1 Ka3 66 Nc3 Kb3 67 Nb1 Nc2#
A series of legal moves exists that leads to checkmate, so you duly lost on time per FIDE Laws of Chess.
If you dislike that, then play with increment.
There is also the possibility of a draw, but the game was lost on time before your opponent had their chance.

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