
Analytics - Checking if the "average centopawn loss" is getting better

Since the elo rating is not a completely realiable indicator of improvement one thing one could be willing to check is the improvement in "move time" and "average centipawn loss" or some combination of the two (maybe cetipown loss per second of thinking?). But it seems to me that the analytics wil not give me a decent statistics about these parameters. If I plot "centipawn loss" by "date" what I see - it seems - is just how things have been in a bunch of random particular days, and I will not be able to see if there is a trend.
I checked analytics already and it seems to me that when I select "date" for the x axis the statistics is not throughout all past days (or even an interval) but only on a very small random set of days.
It's obviously not just those days but the intervals from that day to the next one on the graph.
So if one data point is Nov 1, and the next one Dec 1, then the Nov 1 covers the data from Nov 1-30. (or maybe the Dec 1 covers Nov 2-Dec 1, not sure exactly which one)

You can easily see this by adding all the move numbers up and realizing that's all the moves you ever played on lichess.

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