
Lichess in-game deals?

some players do deals like
if you give me takeback I will give you 3.5 extra minutes
This sounds great but is it allowed?
??? I am kind of confusion here---- i can not write my thinkin my english is badly... form my perspectibe it not allowed
why the hell not. this is online chess not the world championship.
Because there is no reason to allo wonline deals? If no master taken bavk, who should? Ok robot carlsen is ok ... always can accept tockback... always playing for a win... never accept lost potition. carlson is stable robot,,,, hadoken cares
Well... tell me how to give me back time, and we'll see if such deals are even possible.

In rated... probably not, making deals doesn't seem to be wrong, but isn't right. In casual... yeah, you can make a deal, nobody's really watching you and it isn't a serious match.
The art of the deal in chease is dubious move. No matter the time constraint. Chease is lastly about defending your positon. So no deal if defense is umpropritary.
You can give 15 seconds minimum

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