
Funny jokes

Tell me some jokes!
Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road?

It got wiped out
Good one !

<< Why did the hen cross the road ? >>

··· Because she wanted to appear as dark green, therefore, she had imagined that if only... She could obtain some Henna ! That's why she crossed the road, and also, the river, the forest... And went on, until she finally, got what she wanted: Henna ! ···

Henna is permanent. I can tell you. I'm greener than your average green.
why did a cat fly over the english channel
because a dog launched the cat a pult
how many dogs does it take to paint a room ? one stick a brush on its tail tell it its a good dog and jobs done
how many cats does it take to paint a room ? a million , cover them in paint chuck them in the room close door job done
What happened to the leopard that fell into the washing machine?

He came out spotless!

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