
What do you see First

I saw Qh1 like 20ms before I saw Qf1, but pretty much at the same time.
Id look for the checkmate first because its the objective of the game. with my pieces being so close and my rook controlling the file I think it was easier to find the mate and more sound. On tactic trainers they also have checkmates being one of practice. And I think the quote is" if you see a good move look for a better move"Emanuel Lasker ...not if you see a good move don't waste time. Looking for good moves it how get better. @LuckIsNoSkill theres always a billion tactics but very few checkmates in my opinion.
So your logic is, if you would need to pick between checkmate in 8 and a free queen, you would pick a checkmate?

@Freehotwingz that is so unpractical. If you have a good move just play it. Most of the time Laskers advice is unpractical. If you would play by his advice all the time, You would often meet your best friend- time trouble.

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