
Youtubers You Enjoy Watching?

What are some youtubers you guys watch and find entertaining?

For me its:

Phillip Defranco (Daily News)
Good Mythical Morning ~ Comedic Morning 'talk show'
Rob Dyke (True scary stories done in a professional documentary type style; like on serial killers or mysteries or what not)

Would love to hear what yall watch; see if I can find somethin new.
1. Internet Comment Etiquette
2. Gus Johnson
3. Soothouse
Check them out :D
(other league of legends youtubers and funny videos)
I also enjoy watching "deez nuts" vine compilations from "the meme king"
Chess related, I forgot a few...
1. Agadmator
2. GM TheChessPuzzler
3. Kingscrusher

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