
Stats of openings used in my games

Is there any way I could find statistics on the distributions of openings used in my games?

In the chess statistics page, only the top few openings are shown. I am interested to see which openings I have yet to use (or used very infrequently) to see if I can learn new ones.

Thanks in advance!
If by distribution you mean a personalized opening explorer, my chess interface can do this:

It uses the lichess API to download games of a given player. This does not have to be you, it can download the games of any lichess player. Downloading all games takes some time due to rate limits of the lichess API, but once all games are loaded, keeping them sync is fast. Also synchronization is automatic. It is enough to keep the program open while connecting to the net, and the local PGN will be automatically updated.

From the snychronized PGN of all games you can create a white and a black book for any variant with one click. Again, the build for the first time may take several minutes if you have several thousand games. Incremental build ( when you only add new games ) however is fast.
I meant like tracking how many of my games had certain openings (e.g. How many games have I played where I used a variation of Queen's Gambit Declined).

Thank you very much for your chess interface, I'll have a look at it.

1) install Node.js

2) install the program and start it

3) select the variant

4) the title bar should look like this

5) go to Settings -> Profile

6) change the handle in your profile to your lichess username

7) the title bar now should look like

8) the program will look at your games every minute and if there are missing games, it will download them in chunks ( at a rate allowed by the lichess API )

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