
How to estimate your FIDE rating (conversion formula inside)

Calculus (from Latin calculus, literally 'small pebble', used for counting and calculations, like on an abacus)[1] is the mathematical study of continuous change, in the same way that geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of generalizations of arithmetic operations.

My age ?
Hmm.. where's my abacus? It's around here somewhere :-)
Whether I'm 1 or a 100, I can smell an attempt at insult from miles away.
Unsaddle that pony Shrek, he needs a rest.
Aaaaaand you dodged the second question. It doesn't make you wrong, but it does make you appear less believable.

Anyway, you keep talking about ludicrous correlations and how your method (that DOES HAVE A CONSTANT, I might add) would be just as good as the OP's, if not better. You also mentioned that blitz is a terrible indicator of OTB strength. That would be fine, but......have you looked at the graph? Do you see that strong correlation between FIDE and blitz that fits his equation? It's there. Have you looked at your OWN POST (#154) where you state that there is a correlation between blitz and OTB?
Your new method (while it is simpler and less confusing) is anecdotal, not mathematical.
No, you vegans cannot order a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich with peanut butter instead of bacon! Then everyone would start wanting substitutions on their BLT sandwiches.
Could you posaibly elaborate a little bit on that one?

......In addition to responding to my previous post, of course
Are you just trolling now? Please, answer my questions or admit that you're wrong. Either one would be reaasonable. Talking about BLTs and essay exams is getting a little off-topic.
What type of fool are you jacob531?
You demand to know my age, expecting you have a right to personal information? Then claim I must admit to being wrong by not answering?
The OP's premise of "It is logical to assume there exist a direct correlation, that can be expressed in a formula, between a players on-line blitz rating and a never before played OTB "projected" rating is false.
1. Logical Fallacies Errors in reasoning that invalidate the argument
2. Ad Hominem – “Argument against the man” • Unfairly attacking a person instead of the issue • Attacking the character and/or reputation of a position’s supporters; “Guilt by association” •Example: We cannot listen to John’s opinion on global warming because he is a tree hugger.
3. Begging the Question • The opinion to be proved is given as if it were already proved. • Example: Global warming doesn’t exist because the earth is not getting warmer.
4. False Cause (Cause and Effect) • Citing a false or remote cause to explain a situation • Example: The increase in global warming in the past decade is because more teenagers are using hairspray.
5. Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc (False Cause) • “After this, therefore because of this” • Assuming that because two things happened, the first one caused the second one • Example: Every time my brother Bill uses hairspray, it is an extremely hot day.
6. Either or Fallacy • Discussing an issue as if there are only two alternatives • This fallacy ignores any other possible alternatives • Example: We either ban hairspray or the world will end.
7. Evasion • Ignoring or evading the questions • Example: Reporter: “Senator, what is your view on global warming? Senator: “Global warming is definitely something we need to look into.”
8. False Analogy • Making a comparison between two subjects that have more dissimilarities than similarities. • Example: Using hairspray everyday is like launching a nuclear weapon.
9. Oversimplification • Making a complicated issue seem very simple by using simple terms or suppressing information • Example: Global warming is caused by using hairspray and other beauty products.
10. Rationalization • Giving incorrect reasons to justify your position • Example: I don’t believe in global warming because I like using hairspray.
11. Red Herring • Presenting an argument unrelated to your subject in order to distract the reader • Example: In order to really look at the problem of global warming, we must first consider how the homeless suffer when it is cold.
12. Slippery Slope • Implying that one small step in the wrong direction will cause catastrophic results • Example: If we use just one more can of hairspray this month, earth as we know it will no longer exist.
13. Two wrongs make a right • Defending something done wrong by citing another incident of wrong doing • Example American does not need to regulate pollution because China is producing more pollution than we are.
14. Hasty Generalization • An inference drawn from insufficient evidence • It is warmer this year in Las Vegas as compared to last year; therefore, global warming is rapidly accelerating.
15. Straw Man • An argument in which an opponent’s position is represented as being more extreme than it actually is • Al Gore feels that all companies are irresponsible and should be punished for allowing emissions which causes global warming.
16. Equivocation • Juvenile tricks of language • If there really is global warming, how come it is cooler in Fullerton this year?
17. Non Sequitur • “It does not follow” • Argument in which claims, reasons, or warrants fail to connect logically. • Example We should stop using hairspray because it is snowing in New York.

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