
Puzzle 61703

For starters, and without looking very deep, it is not a very forcing move. Puzzle solutions tend to be checks or double threats (so that you either mate or win material).
Okay, got it. Hint: if you think g3 is good, then you likely have already found the correct motive. It's just a slightly different kind of double attack than you have in mind.
Yes I think that g3 ensure to take the black Queen so it looked good to me...

Which criteria used for board evaluation make that g5 is a better move?
I'm missing something on this puzzle ...
Okay, looks like you didn't see the motive after all. In the end, you don't win the queen, but something else.

Why do you think that g3 will "ensure" that you can capture his queen? How do you handle his possible answers (which are ...what?)?

Also, keep in mind the "double threat" thing. g3 only poses one threat (to the queen), so it is easily refuted, but there is another way to attack both the queen and something else at the same time.
I thought g3 ensure to capture the queen because with this move the black queen can't move on a position that is not "controlled" by a white piece.

But you're right I missed the "double threat". With this in worst case g5 ensure to win rook (risk to loose bishop). In worst case g3 win black queen but some position (f6) implies to loose white queen.

Thank you for your help I understand why g5 is better now :)
Um, I can't quite follow you. With "g5", do you mean g4 or Bg5?
And in which variation does White lose his queen (as in: not just trade, like 20. g3 g6 21. gxh4 gxf5)?

Also, the black queen can go back to e7 after 20. g3, which is not controlled by a white piece. You can attack her once more with 21. Bg5, but that is parried by ...f6. This is what I meant when I said you were almost there (seeing that the bishop can attack both rook and queen on the d8-h4 diagonal, but in the wrong move order). Did you calculate this variation?
Sorry I mean Bg5.

No I didn't calculate that variation until you tell me about the "double threat". You're right about the queen's escape in e7 the solution is definitely g5.

This puzzle looks so simple now :)

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