
What does M stand for?

Mediocre. That's roughly the middle, I've heard! (How was the mathematical thing called again? Medial? Medius? I feel it ended with an a, but I don't remember. What a mediocre performance.) :(
@ Dukedog said in #24:
> @ george_mcgeorge
> Median
> I have a feeling you knew that,lol ;)
That's it! Median... How the heck did I come up with Medius?
I know it, but I forgot its name - so to speak, it was on the tip of my tongue.
Median. Wasn't there another Math related M? But this time I don't even know with what field it had to do...
@george_mcgeorge said in #26:
> Median. Wasn't there another Math related M? But this time I don't even know with what field it had to do...

Mode? (number that appears the most) Mean? (average)
@ A_Dragon_Riding_King said in #27:
> Mean? (average)
Exactly that! Now I remember. Thanks yall!

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