
How is this even possible? I found a 400 rated player!

i guess lichess just added 400 and 500 rated players because there is more of them!
it looks like they just slowly sandbagged their way to 484, losing ~4 or 5 rating per game - maybe people can now probably get to below 600 without hacking, I'm not sure how you would even hack lichess to do that

If you look at these charts now it goes to 400 instead of 600 and there are already quite a few people at the 400 rating
@ALucasM said in #1:
> @MrData007 is Rated 400 on lichess! that shouldn't even be possible! he broke lichess omg.
i first thought it was made before the 600 rule but I found out it was in 2020 so I guess hacking
oh yeah i heard they lowered the lowest rating so now the lowest possible rating is 400

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