
Can I use a board when playing long games?

Hello, I rated about 1500 Elo IRL but playing online feels a bit weird to me (makes me blunder more and worse) I want to know your guys' opinion on this! Personally, I think that 15>= should be allowed to use a board.
Of course you can ! Who is gonna go to your house and forbid you to use the board? I do that i almost all my classical games, I just play better when I do that, but you'll spend more time so be careful.
Yes, and if you like Classical games, there is a 4545 League played here on lichess. Registration is now open for next season.
I almost never played OTB, so real life board I can't read.
If I ever play OTB - I can use a digital board next to it?
i dont see why not? or get a vertical board, which also might be nice.

Using the pieces improves the game ive heard too,(i havent yet) sometimes i just type the coordinates to prepare it a little.

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