
Lichess puzzles vs chess com puzzles

I solved around 1400 chess tasks and in my opinion lichess has more complicated puzzles. On chess com on 2000 rating i saw simple forks and pins tactics or endgame tactics in tasks, not very complicated motives. i have actually around 2600 rating in puzzles but every time i looks on titled players profiles i see their rating around 2400-2700 but on chess com their have above 3000 rating. So i solving the puzzles on CM or FM level? I do not understand that. What do you think?
My puzzle rating is much higher on chesscom too, I think the puzzle ratings are just inflated on chesscom
I don't think puzzle ratings are a very good indicator of actual ratings in chess. I know I am good at puzzles and my puzzle rating is much higher than my actual rating in game play. I think this is because when I am doing a puzzle, I KNOW I am looking for a trick or a great move to give me an advantage so I don't move until I find the puzzle solution. In a game, I don't evaluate each move like a puzzle. I am not a strong enough player to set up a beautiful sequence moves yet.
The puzzle rating itself is pretty much meaningless, because there is no time involved.
You can`t compare your rating with anybody elses rating, because you don`t know how much time they take to solve a puzzle.
I saw a lot of people with a high puzzle rating (including myself), who had low game ratings and low ratings in puzzle storm and puzzle racer. There is the difference when you look at good players.
I like both the puzzles I don`t care about puzzle rating I just care about doing puzzles right
Chesstempo have timed blitz tactics. There you can compare your rating with other solvers.

Personally I don't think comparing myself with other solvers is very important. Mostly because I'm so bad at it... What is more interesting is to see if I improve.

My rating there, in case anyone wonders: I find it difficult to reach much more than a bit over 1700. I vary a lot though.
Most puzzles you see are of the type 'White to play and win', or 'White's losing but there's a tactical trick that saves the game'. I wish there were more like 'White to play and stop the evaluation bar immediately dropping 5 points'.
Now that would be a puzzle I could identify with :-)
@Autofill said in #2:
> My puzzle rating is much higher on chesscom too, I think the puzzle ratings are just inflated on chesscom
And they complain about us to have inflated ratings. Well said.
I don't see the reason why a person needs to know that.

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