
Network upload speed is 50+, but still ping of lichess is 1072 :(

My upload speed is 50 MBPS, but the ping is 1072 :(, what shall I do, this does not happen daily, its the first time
Lichess servers are located in France. If you don't live near them, your ping will be higher. I live on American west coast and have random ping between 500-1000 even though I have decent internet. Great thing about Lichess is that the servers will refund time that is wasted due to lag.
Ping and upload speed are not related. Imagine your connection as a train line. You can increase the tons transported per day by making longer trains (upload speed, tons/day = MB/s), but this does not make a psckage transported over this train line come faster to its desination (ping = time for a given package from A to B)

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