
Limiting the time for a move...OPTIONAL!!!

In case the people are not familiar with what an OPTION is. An OPTION you can use or NOT. So, what is the big deal about providing an OPTION for the ones that want to use it???
It takes a lot of effort for the developers to implement features like this.

The only way the developers would consider this is if a significant number of people wanted it.
Its not something that can be optional though. If the other person doesn't want it, then it can't even be enforced. Optional is like board size, piece selection, zen mode, challenging +- 300 over/under you to a game/rematch, premoves, takebacks
The advent of the chess clock completely eliminated the idea of "limiting the time for a move."
In the very old days, a sand hour glass was used. A player needed to move before the sand ran out.
The invention of the chess clock established a player is given an x amount of time for the game. The concept is so well ingrained, it will never resort back to an x amount of time per move.
Yes, you could make it an OPTION, but then it would be necessary to only pair together players who want the EXACT same time controls and the EXACT same time-per-move setting. However, that seems horribly complicated (it is already difficult to pair players in some variants and time controls as it is) and considering there's no demand or explicit need for this, sounds like it wouldn't be a particularly wise move.
But ! But ! It's another bell and whistle !
Let everyone be happy ;-)
Of course I agree. The less options the better, as long as the ones in place are effective and cover most all circumstance.
Add options ?
Instead tweak those in place aimed at improvement.
I would like to see an option relegated to a setting (+time... on/off in rated games) and deleted as an option for players to add time without confirmation. This will eventually happen, next century ?
It would be cool to have an option to play a game where it's 20 or 30 seconds per move, but as mentioned that would be a lot of effort for the developers. If they take the full time for a 40 move game, each would use 8 minutes for 20 sec/move (16 total) and 12 minutes for 30s/move (24 total).
Not many would probably be as available for a 16-24 minute game as they would be for a 15 minute game or 15 minute with increment.
Limiting the time for a single move will never happen. It is contrary to current, established concept of the game.
a lot of options are confusing people

if a site has a lot of options people wont visit because they see and they confuse

a chess site can have many features and options but doesnt have as many as it possibly could have for the reason

lol i completed the chess captcha at over like 5-6 tries.

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