
Why in chess white color starts first?

Im searching for answers about the "White begins" in chess. Why is it so?

In my search i find two answers. One is that black are the lucky color, but i didn't understand that answer. The explaination was, that the people believed black was the lucky color, or because of the selection who will play with which figure color at start, the drawing color always black was, so then black was lucky?

The second reason i found is really sad and of course not true! I hope?! Someone said its because of racist history?

I would to hear the Lichess Community to see if someone have a really nice answer or a proof why it is so?

By the way, in old games sometimes Black started. In the database the colors have been adjusted.
Many Andersen games were that way. Even the famous Andersen-Dufresne game was that way.
Never heard of it, so to replay it with historical accuracy on a chess board you should make the white moves with black and the black moves with white?
Yes indeed. If I recall right, in the red book "Weltgeschichte des Schachs" on Andersen the games are shown as they were played.
I wouldn't search for any philosophical reason but just that one team has to start like in football one team has to kick off. You know the demonstration boards from the chess clubs. Sometimes the pieces are blue red or green. One team got to start... it's that simple :)
The “Oprah game” black played first. The most famous chess game of all.
I've seen this too in a London 1851 tournament book. A permanent color was assigned for the games with a certain opponent, after that only the first move would change hands.
Unless explicitily mentioned, you can't tell the colors from a scoresheet in descriptive notation.

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