
Rapid game that I played.

I unfortunately lost this game. I know it was a bad game, but I suspect the reasons stem from decisions I made early in the game.
Any comments or analysis is welcome.
I think the reason why you lost this game is because of your lack of development. On move 20, your king is in the center of the board and you have not developed your light square bishop or your rooks. I believe you moved your knight too many times which allowed white to gain a strong initiative. I believe you should focus on castling earlier and limit your minor piece moves early.
Hi, you need to know the strategy in the structure, Nc6 is not a good move because your plan with black is to attack the white pawn chain, in this case with c5, and only then move Nc6 with the same idea (attack d4).
Secod, you exchange your black bishop and then pout your pawns on white squares, that is bad, your dark squares are simply terrible and your opponent take advantage of that.
Sorry for my english, regards.
Ok, look you're better than me so you really don't have to listen to this, but what it looks like to me is you were never on the attack. I don't think Ne5 was a good move because white got his pawn in the center which led to f6 being controlled by the bishop. You never really developed your pieces and the were able to get pinned an attacked before you even had the chance to develop and create some things on your own. But this is a good game and should be a learning experience
Of course, you could have played better the opening. @RyanStilesM and @LeeKumKee gave you some good advice.
However, the main reason of your loss seems (to me) that you were almost only reacting to your opponent's moves.
You have defended, but very rarely attacked or counter-attacked.
Try to play more aggressively.

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