
Which is better??

firefox or chrome i always used chrome but changed to firefox today
which is better??
If I’m on PC then fire-fox for sure. Though I’m on a tablet now and I Think Chrome is better on tablet than fire-fox.
but firefox has some scrolling issues i think i cant scroll faster

The best you can do, is being blue.
Why ?
Deep Blue !
So you can defeat Garry Kasparov !

Just kidding...

The best operative system is...
And the Oscar goes to...

a ) Ubuntu.
b ) Gnome.
c ) Fedora.
d ) Suse.
e ) Debian.

Master of Ceremonies, please, come and join us !

<< Android Soldier, from Google. What do you want ? >>

Rock, now, Rock the night !
Till early in the morning light.
Rock, now, Rock the night, whoa, whoa ! Yeah !

( Europe ).
I think Chrome on Tablet and Firefox on PC.
FIIRREE FFOOXX PC Tablet CHHRROOMMEE but on firefox its so slow to scroll
I'm assuming that this is masochism at its most insipid. There's no other reasonable explanation for it.


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