
Caro Kann too passive?

Hey guys! I started to play the Kann like a month ago, and I enjoyed it, really solid and with almost no weaknesses in my structure (which makes me feel confident because of my style) but I feel like black does not create many threats and waits to white to make a mistake, if that doesn't happen I'll end up worse.

Any caro kann player could recommend me any lines or good player to look at. Or should I move to some other opening, I've heard the french is more dynamic than the Kann.
If you want to have an attack position in Caro for black, you may try this line: 1.e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Nxf6 gxf6?! Called Bronstein-Larsen Variation and black will use g-line for attack. To be honest, I don't know how exactly black should play (because I like 5...exf6 but you can use Youtube, for example :)
For Advance Variation now is very popular line is 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5?! (Botvinnik-Carls defense). But in some cases white will have an attack for your position so you've to know how to play against different lines like 4. exc5, 4. c3?! & 4. Nf3 (the most popular moves for white).
At this time Caro-Kann theory gives black better positions than French for GM level (two-three years ago French was a bit better). For amateur level there is no big difference between Caro and French but I like first because I just know Caro-Kann much better :)
On amateur level CK is a decent weapon to play for a win having a solid position. Yet one should know how to play it, as usual.

Example for spicing it up: 4. ... Bf5 with 0-0, 3.e5 c5 mentioned above.
Yes, Bronstein is risky :) Karpov is very solid (because of better pawn structure) but, again, black have to know some tricks by white like this: 4... Nd7 5. Qe2 Ngf6?? (5...g6?? 5...Qb6?? etc.) 6. Nd6#
Good luck with Caro-Kann, it's a great weapon for positional player, agree :) But you've to know how to play very well (although you have to know a few lines only, not so much theory). I play Caro-Kann more than three years and it's the best opening for me, have to say :)
P. S. When you'll analyse positions in Caro-Kann, Stockfish very often will show +0.4 — +0.7 advantage for white. Don't pay attention to that, +0.5 actually means no advantage for white. If you play well, your opponent can't create serious problems.

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