
I will donate $1,000 USD if LIChess implements the Bronstein Chess Varient


Again, my answer is a serious answer.

I don't know the history of checkers.

I do know that Western Chess and Chinese Chess has a common (extinct) ancestor of Indian Chess. Siblings if you will. I don't think checkers is in the lineage of Indian Chess.
This is a campaigning thread to raise awareness about Placement chess. Please stop diluting its focus and take your preoccupations elsewhere. You have both made your point
@boorchess You can ask around on the pychess discord server to find interested players for a game (link is on the pychess homepage).

There is already a place to play Placement chess. At this point what you're asking for is now a community to come up around it, and this takes time. Be active, advertise for people to play it, point them to a place they can play it, and eventually more people will play it. Lichess has already stated in the past its reluctance to implement new variants, and seeing there is already another place to play it, there is even less reason to do so.

The ball is in your court to support the variant you like now.
Ok, but what does lichess lose by promoting Placement chess in a small way, like allowing us to challenge players on our friends list here and play the game on pychess? You can already log into pychess with your lichess username. And allowing us to subscribe to Placement chess so we (and we alone) can see available seeks here? Lichess and pychess are sister sites. The lichess userbase would help word of mouth to spread much faster.
I think it's kind of amusing that Thibault is averse to variants. I think in a hundred years that is what he will be remembered for. His talent for coding and designing websites combined with Toadofsky's gift for coding, and for re-coding Stockfish to be a variants master, has revolutionized the variants. A hugely rich opening theory is developing on lichess, transforming games like 3 check, rendering them so much deeper and utterly fascinating. I also want a variant as free of theory as possible, but without the alien clunkiness, the achessic qualities of 960. Achessic is a word by the way :p I heard a GM use the word chessic, so achessic must be a word :p I think that is why Placement chess has a big future: it fits the bill. It's also got a nice hook to draw in new players: it feels dramatic as the clock is ticking while you choose the position of your pieces in alternate turns with your opponent. You are making important decisions, but you instinctively feel the clock is running down and you haven't even played a move yet :p Fifteen seconds are gone!! You feel the urgency, the drama :p :)

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