
Is there a good. aggressive response to Queen's Pawn as black?

@iBishop I've used the Budapest Gambit in some blitz and bullet games but that's about it. Even if white doesn't know all that much theory, rarely will they be found in a position that is losing or worse at any point, they can play the opening using common sense. There are some variations that white tries to protect the e5 pawn excessively and falls into some tactics, but I don't really recommend it as a main opening. It should be mainly used as a surprise weapon, and even then, black might find themselves in unpleasant positions. I think that the King's Indian is one of the best choices. That's just me though...
Grunfeld. Hypermodern defence, which gives a dynamic position
Im a 1 d4 player and exclusively play Queens Gambit as White (for the moment), and play KID and Grunfield as Black. Id strongly suggest either agaimst 1 d4, theyre both solid openings. At least from my limited experience.
Budapest gambit and Albin's Countergambit are fun, but if white plays Nf3 before c4 then these do not happen.
I am a d4 and c4 player I have never once opened with e4 (mainly bc when I started I heard how sharp the Sicilian can be so I figured why not avoid it?) and I play the English (from c4 obviously) and the London, QGD, QGA and the Blackmier Deimer Gambit from d4

AS A REPLY to d4 I think the Benko is awesome!! 99% of time white plays into it. e4 is sooooooo much more common but its good to have a nice reply to d4 (aside from an anti London)
@Bill_Likes_Chess Although White is rarely objectively worse, I find that most White players will take the pawn and play 4. Nf3, allowing the Adler variation with 4...Bc5. Although Stockfish evaluates this as fine for White, the dark square bishop is usually useless and the light squared bishop goes to e2. Altogether a passive setup for White, while Black's kingside attack is often decisive. I'm sure a computer would make a strong case for the White side, but in practice, I know the plans much better than my opponent.
You cannot rely on the Budapest gambit for very long; At a rating range of +1700-1800, all your opponents will be familiar with it and its traps. The KID however, is a different story.

I have been playing the KID since I was 1200 now, and only once in my career have I been "prepared against", so I had a losing position out of the opening.

The KID fits the bill perfectly as a good, agressive, and all around fun opening for black, where you can play for a win, shoving you kingside pawns up and checkmating your opponents.

Ya gotta love the KID.

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