
What's a geography fact that blows your mind?

light ==> weight =/= density
i'm talkin about density. It's less dense than water.
If you took all the gold in the world and piled it up in one place, you'd be in big trouble.
From the south pole the only direction you can go is north.
See a map. You'll see that Greenland in just some short than Africa, but in real, Africa is 14 times larger than Greenland.
The Exception of Water/Curious Anomaly of Water. Ice doesn't sink in water; water is denser than ice. If this weren't the situation, then aquamarine life would be extinct.
@Mantram_PateL said in #27:
> The Exception of Water/Curious Anomaly of Water. Ice doesn't sink in water; water is denser than ice. If this weren't the situation, then aquamarine life would be extinct.
ur copying and pasting from google stop that!
Australia is a continent, or is it? Well, the so-called Australia wasn't a continent a century before. ‘‘Australasia’’ was the continent and the countries were Australia, New Zealand and the other islands.

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