
Is this called Chess Suicide?

an excellent play if this would be 800 rated. I don't understand why even the van wely took so much time to mate him! my ultrabullet games are better than these. one of the worst games. though mistakes happen, but this is too much.
Maybe both sides were just trying to have some fun! And I guess White played like this because he wanted to get his name on a Lichess forum 16 years later!
Back in 2002, when I first started playing on (ICC) and I stumbled on some games by an unknown, who was high rated, but would not disclose their true identity, and played the top tier players (like GM Nigel Short) and then proceeded to bring their king out into the middle of the board, taunting their esteemed opponents, and then beating them,
I fell into the rabbit hole.
The mysterious hole of conspiracy that suggest an alternate reality of: Could this be? The long lost holy messiah of chess!? Bobby Fischer!!
That mystery may never be solved. But, for now, I entertain all Neo ideals of the legacy that 'Bobby Fischer' laid out in those genesis games. The games we now know as...the Bongcloud!!
"Also, one of the best games played by Black. (Average Centipawn Loss: 4)"


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